
Anthony Gonzalez

Software Engineer with Proficiency in Full Stack Applications



Languages and Frameworks

  • Java

  • Python

  • PHP

  • JavaScript

  • MySQL

  • HTML & CSS

  • React.js

  • Django Framework

Other Skills: Git, Linux, Assembly, Web Scraping/Automation

Fluent in English and Spanish


Ad Event Tracker Site

Website that serves as an inventory and promotional sale system. Can add items to the database and create promotions. Then can attach any quantity of items to a promotion to dynamicaly update its price.

Sunset in the mountains
Social Media Site

Site that serves as a mock social media site. Users can create an account and create forum pages. Users may post to forums they joined, can also delete posts or leave a forum.

python Django
Sunset in the mountains
Data Visualization

Fetches data using a API and graphically displays statistics of a player that they choose.

python pandas API
Sunset in the mountains
Real Estate Searcher

Java program that accepts a text file containing houses that are for sale. User enters a criteria for a desire house, and program founds houses that fit criteria. Graphically displays houses found using JavaFX.

Java JavaFX
Sunset in the mountains
DJ Name Text Generation

Trained a text-generation neural network on a DJ Name dataset to generate DJ Names for an electronic festival in the year 2025. Implented using tensorflow along side textgenrnn.

python Machine Learning Neural Networks
Sunset in the mountains
Expression Evaluator

Program that evaluates infix to postfix expressions. Handles programming language C style of evalutaion expressions. Required the use of stack manipulation and use of java collections framework.

Java C Java Collections

More projects!
